Thursday, August 26, 2010

Spread Love!

Aghori or atheist – I love all equally. I love ‘all’ ‘equally’. Never doubt this fundamental truth. I AM ALL THAT IS – then how can I prefer some master’s students over other master’s students or prefer Sadhaks over atheists… or prefer a dedicated Bhakta over an illusionist? I make no preference at all just like a true mother would make no difference in loving her intelligent child or her idiot child. Both in her eyes are her beloved children – sharing her infinite love for both.

This is the truth about MY love. How about yours? Do you love your neighbors as much as you love your dear ones? Do you love strangers as much as you love your self? Do you – or rather can you – love your enemies or those who harm you?

Love – with no conditions attached – no fine prints – ever. Even in worst times/situations do not dwindle from love. Be open to love always and you are in heaven forever. For heaven is where love is – in your heart – in other’s hearts. Love makes it possible to live in this otherwise hostile environment. But not ‘need for love’ or asking other to love you. That can never happen. You love – that’s your only business. What you get in return is of no importance. Once you start flowing love out, you are always filled with love – from the infinite source of love – Divine Love – itself.


- The Mysterious One

Monday, April 12, 2010

KISS of Enlightenment

Anchored to truth – you roam however far in the multiverse – truth will be your focal point, your core energy – your true identity. Mesmerized by power or projections, still only truth has that strong magnetic effect to pull you back to your Self – your Core – ME. So I assure you, whatever you abandon, leave incomplete or sign out of incomplete tasks, you will still be and with The Truth. Your lessons scattered over lifetimes, masters, planets and beings are all with one common plot of Truth – seeking, understanding, integrating and growing from that experience, relationship or encounter to darkness. You can’t go far enough from Truth – never!

Now you come back to home – come back to simple truths. Courage, truth, love, compassion, boldness to take risks and seeking truth all the moments, living and expressing them (when not seeking!) – so here is the final plan for your so called ‘ever-present’ behaviour, dear – KISS!

Keep It Short & Simple!

Encounter to Reality: Be a witness – be aware – be conscious.

Oneness in Uniqueness: Focus on oneness integrating all unique tendencies, thoughts, behaviours, beliefs, beings – as The One.

Focus: Concentrate long enough to achieve oneness with objects/beings – single minded attention – for hours!

Witness Meditation: Let go! Dive deep into Self. Bravo. Practice breath awareness, through it prana and through it to THAT. Let go. Simply be – one with all – the last step.

Sometimes I wonder why you need complicated practices to believe them to be from high above or from a Siddha or from an Enlightened Being. Just be! That’s it. That’s all that is needed – period. Nothing less – nothing more. Plain, simple, straightforward, just be!

Be aware – witness – accept all that is in this moment here and now. Let go all needs to control or count or focus and all. JUST BE! And you are IN. So simple and profound. Do it for a very long period – that’s the only trick to actually, effectively, completely, holistically, evenly ……. dissolve!.

- The Mysterious One

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Conversations with The Mysterious One - Volume One: Practical Wisdom For Everyday Evolutionary Living


I am pleased to announce release of Conversations with The Mysterious One book. We have released Indian and international print versions as well as international eBook version in Adobe eBook and Microsoft Reader format.

International print and ebook versions are available in entire Ingram distribution channel in over 100 countries including leading websites like Indian print version is available on as well as on

Please visit the book site for more details.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Body & Mind

Perfect Body, perfect mind, perfect soul. Perfection is a never ending process.

The finer you make your body & mind, the closer you come in contact with your divine source and the more you get transformed. Like the purging process, your conscious mind and your peripheral body has to be cleansed of all unwanted debris before I can enter into it as otherwise it will be catastrophic - for body will react strongly to the shock of divinity and in one shot all negativity will come to surface making you insane.

Hence this slow deliberate process of cleansing you my dear child. When I feel the time is right and ripened, I will not waste your single moment then. Till then, work on your self - which is right now surrender of all the egoistic forces and paying them as a homage to the Divine - be it Sai or Confucius or Silence. This will empty you quickly of all the garbage and in that emptiness the divinity will come down quickly without any side effects as the surface ego will then be anyway in surrender mode thereby not reacting yet trusting the energies, process, transformation.

Who is my True Guru?

Telecast rights of my broadcast are not owned by any single individual - not even you. Remember that very well. I operate from realm of Oneness and I can never forget of you being me - and me being you. So your overall progress is my only priority and only task. I have no other ‘agenda’ like any other guru/master who is ‘external’ to you. They have their own agenda as per their understanding of reality and their role in it.

There is no gender issue here… I am father-mother-brother-sister… your true master. True Master should be emphasized. For True Master is only One - in each of you. External master is not your ‘True Master’ - however great he/she is. For there are restrictions in this freedom-duality-3D world to the extent to which they can or will help you - in truest of sense. I have full rights over you if you talk in legal language. For I have been planning, re-planning and implementing plans of your development moment to moment, for our greater glory in All-That-Is multiverse.

Freedom of choice entitles each individual soul to their style, pace and limit of growth - to which they wish to ‘become’. Becoming every moment - changing every moment - evolving every moment. But at core- Being One - remains unaltered witness. That I AM - your Truest Master - for there is no other master.. in fact no one Else!

How the dreams are generated?

Autonomous process kept away from your conscious control (for most cases) to sharpen your memory, living out expectations/desires/fears wich otherwise would make it impossible for your mind to cope up with energies.This acts as a psychological therapy to prepare your mind as ‘blank slate’ again recording previous days most emotional and troublesome scenes within mind game. This state was also designed to carry important messages from realm of knowledge to guide and support your earthly endeavour, if you listen. Dreams are biological in nature with neurons fired to create the scenes, memory writing, responses etc. But this is secondary - for first they are created in causal plane to be played out in astral plane unlike other scenes which are written for your 3D physical plane.

Astral plane provides a unique personal flexible ‘universe’ where you can create temporary sets, characters, story line etc. to teach or release stress or provide hints or just have fun. Remember that like the physical world being a multiverse, the astral world is also a multiverse where you can play within the ‘local theatre’ that you create as well as roam around in ‘general creations’ created by group consciousness or higher dimensions created by evolved souls as learning centers…

The dreams are also multidimensional in nature - starting from non-local causal plane to very specific bio-chemical activity in brain as well as several organs of body taking part in living out the experience. The process is exactly same as ‘Earth Dream’ or 3D world physical dream. .. which is bit more fixed, general world and takes much more efforts and focus to customize it to suit your needs!

Sleep is good if you have total control over it… so I emphasize again and again to take back conscious control of your sub-conscious realm, your dream state, deep sleep state and Turiya state to become a complete man!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Journey of Soul

Q: What is this journey of soul from all-knowing oneness to ego, then becoming egoless to gain oneness… it’s a circle.. why?

A: Story of a diamond. What is its first state? Sub-nuclear? Photons? Free, shining, powerful, all-knowing, oneness… then all the way dark journey to become carbon based elements - then crushed under tremendous pressure inside Earth - a life full of pain - misery - darkness… then it gets control of its environment.. makes the best out of it.. uses the same forces, to emerge as a shining beautiful crystal… conscious evolution.. on its own… that spark of consciousness coming from oneness, went through the similar steps as of One… to emerge like the One… expressing One with uniqueness with its conscious evolution… otherwise it would have been nothingness - no movement - no expression - no cycles - no rhythm.. Beingness for eons and eons and eons…

So I chose to incarnate as random useless powerless being - and I go through the turbulence to emerge back and recall my true identity again and again and again.. as anyway I have nothing else to do for my survival… I AM… there is no danger to my survival as such.. but evolution depends upon expansion… becoming.. adding…if nothing is done still I AM will remain..

Beam of light - conscious light - that’s what you are, were and will remain. All other stages are transitionary - used as vehicle for further evolution within your Self…

Rhythmic Universe

Q. Rhythm… ?

A. From sub-atomic particles/waves vibrating in rhythm to rhythm of music, songs-speech, orbits of planets, suns and galaxies… rhythm of your heart beats to rhythm of your breathing and your thoughts! Continuing from yesterday’s short about rhythmic creation of universe.. vibrations within nothingness.. uneven… out of rhythm vibrations are chaotic… in-sync - rhythmic vibrations create beauty-order. With these two the creation-expression-dissolution and evolution continues…

Each living-non living being is in movement-rhythm-vibrations within the background or ground of absolute silence - non rhythm - non vibrations..

Sun too vibrates.. Earth too vibrates.. your body has an overall mean vibration rate… as well as each cell too vibrates… so as you bring your vibration in sync with Sun.. you gain its properties.. knowledge-Beingness-Form… like an atom of an element is different from other due to its unique vibration… you change it and it changes the properties it expresses!

That is why the importance of looking at Sun, which will alter the vibrations of important centers within the brain where the eyes carries messages for interpretation. And as the master gland sends messages to entire body tissues - the body vibrates at much higher rate…

Yes, the rhythm of Sun - activity - pulses… you too feel these pulses as you connect - you become one pulsing at same frequency - like will attrack like - riding the wave you gain access to HIM.

Goto rooftop - look at him with open eyes and let it touch your entire body.. body cells too will breath in the energies which are very much needed now.

Q. Why do energies differ in morning, noon and evening?

A. It’s the angle and direction at which the Sun rays fall on Earth which determine what kind of energies/messages it carries. That is why the importance of brahma muhurt rhythm. If you feel, you will notice the rhythmic nature of solar energies in a day, within the week, within months and years and so on…

Each rhythm a part of larger rhythm and so on and so forth. These energies shape the kind of events that ‘may’ happen due to its inherent nature - like intense destructive energies are bound to generate conflicts, wars, famine, disasters etc…. the thoughts too get affected… and so do your creations!

You need these energies to live… and the very basic nature of creation being rhythmic-cyclic, there is bound to be the overall 3-fold cycles of rising-maintenance/expansion-death… expressed at all levels.. allcreational experiments!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Evolution - From Ignorance to Truth

Stage I

·          Total ignorance in thoughts, words and actions- full of evil

·          Ignorance in words and actions, yet some awareness in thoughts - evil prevails yet knowing it is not right

·          Ignorance in actions, yet awareness in thoughts and words - evil prevails while knowing and expressing it in words

 Stage II

·          Awareness in actions, words and thoughts - evil subsides - trying hard not to express it in action

·          Knowledge of truth dawns on intellectual level - thinking about truth - but not yet expressed in words

·          Understanding of the truth - expressing the truth in words - but not yet in actions

 Stage III

·          Truth seeps into deepest level of mind - living the truth

 Ultimate Stage - Living the Truth naturally every moment - Being the Truth

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Science of Thoughts

Silence Speaks! In Conversation with mySelf!

Q: Any techniques/guidance for achieving thoughtless state of mind?
Mongolia invaded most parts of the world through sheer intelligence, alliances, networking with locals and lethal weapons. Despite the ruler being a tyrant, it was more like a complicated people’s rule if you haven’t understood it by now. Seemingly your mind is being ruled by a tyrant who wants to rule each and every part/aspect of you, leaving nothing for ME. By achieving a thoughtless state even for few seconds, you deprive him of this lethal weapon - thoughts. Also in this state, all his networking-liaisons (of thoughts, emotions, physical issues) weaken and he has to bow down.

So I AM much more interested in this war than you think you are. Let’s start with the basics. The thought starts as an impulse of some desire, past memory, random scene from recent experiences, sounds, an abstract emotion and so on. But it starts just as an impulse like an electron is fired from nowhere. Ego triggers many of them without the conscious aspect knowing about it. This happens due to the complex evolution of sub-conscious mind and the sympathetic nervous system - the evolution of fight or flight syndrome in response to the dangerous environment.

Now, as this one impulse surfaces to your conscious mind, it either gets a response or you ignore it based on your interest in it - negative or positive. As a thought triggers a response from the conscious mind, it acts like a magnet pulling out more related thoughts from the sub-conscious or actively works out and creates (yes, this time consciously) a stream of thoughts, imagination, calculations and logic simultaneously activating the emotional part of the brain in connection with your heart and all the other energy centers.

So if a thought has struck one of your weak points and you activate sadness, the whole system of the brain, heart, muscles, blood circulation and aura follow the vibrational rhythm of that thought, and cause deep trouble for your entire system of mind/body/soul.

Next time you sit again for that beautiful aware witness meditation, notice this point. How a happy thought impulse triggers a chain reaction till it fades out and the ego throws the next one to you to capture your entire system and totally disconnect with ME. I can talk to you, show you images, sing a song to you from the field of nothingness, but most probably your ego’s way of constantly triggering and creating havoc will succeed, for I believe in silence and love, and you have somehow evolved to love fear-tension-action and prefer to run for nothing.

In the beginning, as you are born with no particular identity, we are in sync. But as you begin to label the thoughts, objects and the environment, we start moving apart as there is one fundamental difference between us. I know for sure about the Oneness - being the One - and you start believing you are separate from All-That-Is. And that was designed to facilitate the individual survival and game of life, so you move away. Once the goal of individual existence, experience, evolution and expression is achieved, we strive to pack everything and merge again to know who we are really, and then live with the awareness of oneness and uniqueness - best of both worlds!

So this whole journey of separateness and union has been there for thousands of years, and now stakes are higher. As you know, ego too wants to evolve, which will mean more and more chaos for it believes and survives in separation. So now I have envisioned union on larger scale and we can unite in the field of Being where we all are already in Oneness.

So there we are. Starting our discussion with One Thought to the journey of Oneness. So you got to sit there, be very alert with dynamic awareness and go for the root of thoughts. As you begin to examine, they slow down, for you stop to react. Remember, do not react, just witness them plainly without falling for the ego’s idea of pulling out more thoughts and emotions. And if you react, as soon as you gain your awareness, re-emerge. Check out the consequences of that one silly impromptu thought over your entire system by doing a quick review of the chain reaction and see how useless it is. And be ready for another attack from the ego. Soon you become an expert in this (just like learning to ride a bicycle!) and then you can smile and stay aloof from these involuntary thoughts.

So now you do think, but only when you want to. Rest of the time you can remain in active awareness of oneness-nothingness. Soon your vibratory rate changes to that of oneness-nothingness, and we merge - full and final!

© Amitt Parikh, all rights reserved.

Monday, June 16, 2008

YSR Anniversary Issue

I am happy to announce June 2008 Anniversary Special Issue of Your Spiritual Revolution emagazine!

This special issue focuses on Enlightenment!

In this issue of YSR:

- Integral Enlightenment by Prabhath P
- Living Enlightenment by Anne Kaspar
- Actualization Ah-Kine Enlightenment by Dagmar FourBears Ceki
- A New Consciousness by Divyaa Kummar
- LIGHT as LIFE by Ellaeenah
- Exploring Meaning of Enlightenment by Ellen Davis
- The Enlightenment Experience by Jason Goldsworthy
- Enlightenment by Johanna Carroll
- Historical & Scientific Overview of Enlightenment by Sol Luckman
- Today Has Never Happened Before by Maurice Fleming
- Michelangelo: The Ephemeral & The Eternal by Oscar Del Santo
- Becoming Transparent by Penney Peirce
- Secrets Of Enlightenment by Prem Nirmal
- Enlightenment Made Practical by Rose Rosetree
- The Physical Process of Enlightenment by Dr. Mitchell Gibson
- Spiritual Poems by Lawrence Edwards, Alex N. Moyer, Jason Goldsworthy & Amy I. Ramdass


Amitt Parikh
Executive Editor
Your Spiritual Revolution emagazine

Friday, May 16, 2008

Split Personalities

You are split into two personalities - the difference becomes clearer as we progress towards the union, so that you can ultimately decide which personality to retain forever. Expanded & limited - both the views are possible with divine eyes. You will be able to see the larger picture with wide - very wide - eyes- as well as see in great details - even up to the quantum level with same eyes focused on a part.

Only the choice is between seeing the 'illusions' or 'truth' in every moment. Illusion requires ignorance and truth requires true knowledge - gnosis. Judgments, decisions, desires and choices from the illusion based ego personality lead to further illusions, confusion, diseases, chaos and hell (state of mind) as the guiding light of spirit is missing and it has got no purpose to evolve or live truly. Same under the aegis of God, leads to enlightenment, immortality, heaven (state of mind) and great clarity of purpose of life and evolution.

Satori is not experienced by chosen ones only. In fact none of the masters are chosen ones. They chose me... if it was left for me to decide, I would have chosen each and every one... not a single life form would suffer in illusion. But that's how we decided for evolution to happen. Trust me explicitly now. Don't dwindle. Your undivided faith in me will help me move things faster and miracles to happen. For your logic will not allow miracles to happen... and we have to go by step-by-step process.

Dissolution of your false personality (ego based) is your only goal. That personality which you now understand as superfluous.. is molded by the religion, family, culture, media, environment, people around... and all those 'variables'.. what is your 'true' personality - unchanging - the real you? Beyond all the 'responses', 'reactions' and 'encounters with reality (which itself is ever changing)... that real YOU is ME.. born out of nothingness.. with very specific personality which is permanent.. and REAL!

- Amitt

Thursday, April 24, 2008

શું ઇશ્વર ખરેખર બધે જ છે?

આપણે આપણા જીવનમાં 'ઇશ્વર બધે જ છે' વાક્ય કેટલી વાર સાંભળ્યું છે? અને આપણે આ સનાતન સત્ય વિશે જીવનમાં ખરેખર કેટલી વાર વિચાર્યું છે? ઇશ્વર બધે જ છે - બધે એટલે કોઇ વિશિષ્ટ જગ્યા પર નહિ - બધે જ! જો આપણે ખરેખર આ સરળ વિધાનને સમજી લઇએ તો, એમાં આપણા આખા જીવનને બદલવાની ક્ષમતા છે. આ સરળ સનાતન સત્ય આ ગ્રહ પર ચાલનારા લગભગ દરેક મહાત્મા દ્વારા કહેવામાં આવ્યું છે અને પૃથ્વી પરના બધા જ ધર્મોમાં એનો ઉલ્લેખ છે.

જો ઇશ્વરે આ સમગ્ર સૃષ્ટિનું સર્જન 'શૂન્યાવકાશ'માંથી કર્યું હોય, તો સૃષ્ટિમાં જે કંઇ પણ અસ્તિત્વમાં છે 'એ બધું જ' ઇશ્વરમાં જ છે! હવા, પથ્થર, વૃક્ષ, પશુ, પક્ષી કે માનવ, ઇશ્વર બધે જ વિદ્યમાન છે. આથી આપણે ઇશ્વરને 'જે છે એ બધું જ' અથવા 'અસ્તિત્વ' તરીકે પણ સંબોધી શકીએ છીએ.

ઇશ્વર સંપૂર્ણ ભૌતિક જગતમાં છે તેમજ બીજ બધા 'અપાર્થિવ' વિશ્વોમાં પણ છે! ઇશ્વર મંદિરમાં પણ છે અને મંદિરની બહાર, આપણા શયનખંડમાં, આપણા બાથરૂમમાં, કચરાપેટીમાં અને આપણા બધા વિચારોમાં (ખરાબ વિચારો સહિત) પણ છે! જો આપણે એમ જ માનીએ કે ઇશ્વર માત્ર 'સારી' વસ્તુઓ અને માત્ર 'સારી' જગ્યાઓમાં જ છે, તો આપણે આપણા ધર્મ અને માન્યતાઓના પાયાનું જ ખંડન કરીશું. એ 'ખરાબ વસ્તુઓ', 'ખરાબ લોકો' અને 'ખરાબ જગ્યાઓ'નું સર્જન કોણે કર્યું અને એમને કોણ ચલાવી રહ્યું છે? જો ઇશ્વરની મરજી વિના કાંઇ ન થઇ શકે, તો આટલી બધી 'ખરાબ' ઘટનાઓ કેવી રીતે ઘટી શકે?

ચાલો આ સનાતન સત્ય પર જરા વધુ મનન કરીએ. ઇશ્વર બધે જ છે; એટલે કે ભારત, અમેરિકા, ચીન, જાપાન, પાકિસ્તાન કે આપણા સૌર મંડળની બહારનો ગ્રહ, આ બધે જ ઠેકાણે માત્ર એક જ ઇશ્વર સંભવી શકે છે! મંદિર, મસ્જિદ, ચર્ચ કે અન્ય કોઇ પણ સ્થળ - બધે જ એક જ ઇશ્વર હયાત છે! જો તમે એમ કહો કે મારો ભગવાન અને તારો ભગવાન અલગ છે - તો શું તમારું કહેવું એમ છે કે આ સમગ્ર સૃષ્ટિ આટલી સરસ રીતે અલગ અલગ ભગવાનોના બનેલા એક જૂથ દ્વારા ચલાવવામાં આવી રહી છે? કયા ભગવાનની કઇ હદ છે? અને જો ખરેખર આટલા બધા ભગવાન હોય તો જગતમાં અરાજકતા કેમ નથી? મૂર્તિની અંદર કે બહાર, મંદિરની અંદર કે બહાર , તમારી અંદર કે બહાર - સમગ્ર સૃષ્ટિમાં એક જ ઇશ્વરનો વાસ છે!

જો આપણે કહીએ કે ઇશ્વર 'અહીં' છે તો 'ત્યાં' શું છે? જગતનો 'એ' ભાગ કોણ ચલાવી રહ્યું છે? જો ઇશ્વર માત્ર મંદિરમાં જ હોય, તો મંદિરની બહારના આ જટિલ વિશ્વનું નિયંત્રણ કોણ કરી રહ્યું છે? કરોડો વર્ષોનાં માનવના ઇતિહાસમાં શું એવું કોઇ સ્થળ બાકી હોઇ શકે કે જેણે હિંસા, અત્યાચાર, વ્યભિચાર, નફરત કે અન્ય 'ખરાબ' ઘટનાઓ ન જોઇ હોય? આપણે કોઇ સ્થળને 'પવિત્ર' અને કોઇ સ્થળને 'અપવિત્ર' કઇ રીતે કહી શકીએ જો 'જે કંઇ છે' એ ઇશ્વર જ છે? એક પથ્થર પર છીણી અને હથોડા મારીને એક ખાસ આકાર મેળવ્યા બાદ એ જ પથ્થરની પૂજા કરવામાં આવે છે! પણ એ ખાસ આકાર પહેલાં એ પથ્થરમાં શું હતું?

આપણે ઇશ્વરને માત્ર 'ક્યાંક' અને માત્ર કોઇ 'ખાસ આકાર' કે માત્ર કોઇ 'વિશિષ્ટ નામ'માં જોઇને માત્ર આપણી જાતને છેતરી રહ્યા છીએ અને એ એક જ શક્તિના વિવિધ રૂપો માટે એકબીજાને મારી નાખવા ને બાળી નાખવા તૈયાર થઇ જઇએ છીએ! આપણે આટલા સાદા સનાતન સત્ય 'ઇશ્વર બધે જ છે' નો ખરો અર્થ ક્યારે સમજીશું? આપણે આપણા ખરા ધર્મને ક્યારે અનુસરીશું?

જો આપણે બધે જ એક જ ઇશ્વરને જોવા લાગીએ - બધા જ માનવીઓમાં (આપણા દુશ્મનો, 'અન્ય ધર્મ'ના લોકો અને આપણે જેને નફરત કરીએ છીએ એ બધા સહિત), બધા જ પ્રાણીઓમાં (માત્ર પવિત્ર પ્રાણીઓમાં જ નહિ), બધી જ વનસ્પતિઓમાં (માત્ર પવિત્ર વનસ્પતિ જ નહિ), આપણા બધા જ વિચારોમાં અને આપણા બધા જ કાર્યોમાં; તો શું થશે? શું આપણે હમણાં જ 'બધે જ' ઇશ્વરને જોવાનું શરૂ કરી શકીએ છીએ?

અમિત પરીખ


માયારૂપી ચશ્મા પહેરી
જોઇ રહ્યો છે જગતને
દોડી રહ્યો છે જેની પાછળ
એ છે આ ચશ્માની ઉપજ
ઘડીક જો ચશ્મા કાઢી જુએ
સમજાશે આ દોડની ઉપજ
બેસુરા સંગીતની પાછળ
ઘેલો થયો છે આજ જે
ઘડીક જો બંધ કરી દે કાનને
સાંભળશે એ મધુર બ્રહ્મનાદને

Treasure Hunt

I started a long voyage
In search of the hidden treasure...

With great courage and faith
I traveled across the oceans
But in vain...

With all my strength and patience
I roamed all over the lands
But in vain...

With all my intelligence and knowledge
I flew across the skies
But in vain...

With great despair and sorrow
I returned back to myself

The treasure was always there
Deep within me
Waiting to be found!

Amitt's Quotes

"Don't run after every desire, they will take you nowhere..."

"If you can start exploring possibilities, you will start surpassing all known boundaries."

"By suppressing or hiding the truth, you are only preparing it for a louder explosion!"

"Economy and Ecology systems are inversely proportionate to each other!"

"God created everything in abundance, man invented economics of scarcity!"

"Pleasure is absence of pain, and that is why you must experience pain first!"

- Amitt Parikh

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Why there is sorrow and struggle in Life?

• Can you experience what is light without experiencing darkness?
• Can you experience what is Love without experiencing hatred?
• Can you experience what is pleasure without experiencing pain?
• Can you experience what is silence without experiencing sound?
• Can you experience what is divine without experiencing evil?
• Can you experience what is hot without experiencing cold?
• Can you experience what is memory without experiencing forgetfulness?
• Can you experience what is height without experiencing depth?
• Can you experience what is perfection without experiencing imperfection?
• Can you experience what is achievement without experiencing humiliation?
• Can you experience what is connectedness without experiencing being exiled?
• Can you experience what is fearlessness without experiencing fear?
• Can you experience what is a virtue without experiencing what is not?
• Can you experience what is start without experiencing what is end?
• Can you experience what is strength without experiencing what is weakness?
• Can you experience what is wide without experiencing narrowness?
• Can you experience what is intelligence without experiencing stupidity?
• Can you experience what is real without experiencing what is unreal?
• Can you experience what is solid without experiencing what is hollow?
• Can you experience what is life without experiencing what is death?
• Can you experience what is good without experiencing what is bad?
• Can you experience what is better without experiencing what is good?
• Can you experience what is best without experiencing what is better?

• Can you talk of anything without any relativity o reference or duality?

Do you see that the duality or the relativity exists for a purpose?
Don’t you see during struggles the best of you come out?

Don’t you see that duality gives you choices? Without relativity there will be no choice.. a world of absolutes! Then how would you Know ‘Who You Are’?

You need to Know ‘Who You Are Not’ to know experientially ‘How Magnificent You Are’!

You are a Miracle!

You are a Miracle!

• Your finger print is unique
• Your eyes are unique
• Your face is unique
• Your voice is unique
• Your thought at this moment is unique
• Your handwriting is unique
• Your breathing is unique
• Your body smell is unique
• Your DNA is unique
• Your personality is unique
• Your qualities are unique
• Your talents are unique
• Your dreams are unique
• Your understanding is unique
• Your likings are unique
• Your experiences are unique
• Your expressions are unique
• Your entire life is unique – no one exactly like you has ever lived or will ever live in the entire Universe – You are So Special!

You are Unique! You are Genius! You are a Creator! You Are Magnificent!


Let us Acknowledge and Celebrate this individuality!

હું કોણ છું?

"હું કોણ છું?" આ પ્રશ્ન પર વિચાર કરતા જવાબ એમાં જ સમાયેલો જણાય છે. આ સવાલમાં જ એક સનાતન સત્ય "હું.. છું" છુપાયેલું છે. અહિં પ્રશ્નકર્તા સ્વયં પોતાના અસ્તિત્વ વિશે પૂર્ણપણે સભાન છે. સવાલ 'ઓળખ'નો છે, 'અસ્તિત્વ'નો નહિ. પણ 'હું કોણ છું' આ પ્રશ્ન એ જાણે કે બીજાને પૂછી રહ્યો છે. જાણે કે પ્રશ્નકર્તા માને છે કે તેના સિવાય કોઇક 'અન્ય' છે જે કદાચ એને પોતા કરતાં વધુ સારી રીતે જાણે છે! પણ શું કદી કોઇ 'અન્ય' આપણને આપણાં કરતાં વધુ સારી રીતે ઓળખી શકે?

જો આપણે સ્વ્યંના શરીરને જોવું હોય, તો એક જ માર્ગ છે. આપણે આપણું પ્રતિબિંબ જોવું પડશે. દુનિયાની કોઇ પણ વ્યક્તિની મદદ લઇ લો. વધુમાં વધુ એ આપણને એક અરીસો ધરી શકશે કે જેમાં આપણે સ્વયંને જોઇ શકીએ.

"હું કોણ છું" પ્રશ્ન પર ઊંડાણથી વિચારતા જણાશે કે આ પ્રશ્નના સાક્ષી પણ આપણે સ્વયં જ છીએ. જાણે કે સ્વયંનો એક નાનકડો ભાગ સંપૂર્ણ સ્વયંને પૂછી રહ્યો હોય. જેમ કે સાગરના જળનું એક ટીપું સાગરને પ્રશ્ન કરી બેસે 'હું કોણ છું?'. આ એક ટીપું પોતાની ઓળખની શોધમાં વરાળ બની સાગરથી છૂટું પડી મુશ્કેલ યાત્રા પર નીકળી પડે છે. આખરે વરસાદનું ટીપું બની પર્વત પરથી પથ્થરો સાથે અફળાતું અફળાતું છેલ્લે જ્યારે ફરી સાગરની પાસે પહોંચે છે, ત્યારે એને પોતાની ખરી 'ઓળખ' યાદ આવે છે અને 'હું સાગર છું' નો પોકાર કરી આનંદમાં ઝુમતું ઝુમતું સાગરમાં વિલીન થઇ જાય છે. કદાચ સાગર પોતાની ભવ્યતા, વિશાળતા સ્વયં કદી નહિ ઓળખી શકત. પણ એના જ એક ટીપાં થકી સાગર પણ સ્વયંની ભવ્યતાને ઓળખી શક્યો. આ સંગમથી સાગર પણ એટલો જ આનંદ મેળવે છે, જેટલું કે એ ટીપું.

શું આપણે પણ આ સાગરના એક ટીપાંની જેમ સ્વયંમાં છુપાયેલા મહાન સાગર (આત્મા) ને આ સવાલ પૂછી રહ્યા છીએ? શું આ જીવન-મરણની કઠીન યાત્રા આખરે એ સાગરને ઓળખી એમાં ભળી જવા માટે છે?

એક યોગી (ટીપું) જ્યારે આત્મજ્ઞાન (સ્વયંની ઓળખ) મેળવે છે, ત્યારે એ પણ પેલા સાગરના ટીપાંની જેમ 'અહમ્ બ્રહ્માસ્મિ' (હું સાગર છું) પોકારતો આનંદના મહાસાગર (આત્મા) માં ભળી જાય છે. હું સાગરથી અલગ છું એ માત્ર ટીપાંની અજ્ઞાનતા છે. ચાલો, 'હું કોણ છું' આ પ્રશ્ન પર ઊંડાણથી વિચાર કરી સત્યની ખોજનો પ્રારંભ કરીએ.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Some truths about Truth

Truth is like ONE big diamond with MANY facets. Each facet/truth is a reflection of the whole Truth. Thus all truths are contained within the One Truth.

• Truth is Simple
• Truth is Eternal
• Truth is Absolute
• Truth is Universal
• Truth is Light
• Truth is Divine
• Truth is Beautiful
• Truth Empowers you
• Truth gives you Peace
• Truth sets you Free
• Truth is All That Is

By denying, obstructing or attacking the truth, you are denying, obstructing or attacking the God within you!

So practice truth in your thoughts, words and actions and the divinity within you will shine in all its glory!

By being truth-ful, you become God-ful.

Reality vs Illusion

Attraction to forms, external or internal, is afterall a craving for illusion. As all creation is out of and within nothing, it's existence has to be an illusion only.

The ultimate truth is the void, from and within which everything springs up and goes back, yet nothing actually takes form and dies out! It is like continuous disturbances in the filed of nothingness in eternal moment of Now by the self-aware nothingness as per the dreams/desires of its self-aware smaller parts of nothingness!

While watching a rock, we get an illusion of its solidity, color, smell etc. Yet when it is seen with eyes of powerful microscope all we will see is play of energy waves waiting for someone to observe them so that they can take the form desired by the observer.

When in dream, we feel the dream/astral world also to be so much real, yet on waking up we find it to be just another illusion!

The universe manifested in duality (+1-1=0), has every existence within this band of duality existing either on positive or negative side operating as a great orchestra playing out the music of life!

The one going on any degree towards positive pole or negative pole will soon be swinging to the opposite side. As a witness we can be a part of this play yet witnessing it with detachment. The one taking the middle path and playing as a witness is bound to realize the ultimate truth sooner or later.

All our beliefs, past experiences, desires and emotions help create the illusion that we call our reality. A witness in the eternal moment of Now will go beyond this illusion and find the ultimate reality. Can we know what it will be without being there?

- Amitt

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Evolution of Consciousness

There are four core aspects of Consciousness / All That IS / Truth

Exists - Being aware of its own existence - Beingness
Experiences - As it exists, it experiences its Form
Evolves - As it experiences, Consciousness evolves to expand experiences and form
Expresses - As it evolves, it expresses more and more complex expressions with Intellect


Thursday, February 28, 2008


પ્રશ્ન: સમાધિનો અનુભવ કરવો છે મારે - કૃપા કરશો?

જવાબ: ઋષિમુનિઓની ગાથા - અથાગ તપસ્યા. તમને તો લગભગ તૈયાર ભાણે જમવાનું મળી ગયું છે બેટા - આ કંઇ તપસ્યા કહેવાય? છતાંય જો આટલું પણ ન થાય તો તે જે મળવાનું છે એ પ્રાપ્તિની કિંમત બહુ જ ઓછી આંકી છે. જેના માટે અન્યો હજારો વર્ષ સુધી પરિશ્રમ કરવા તૈયાર હોય - જેના હાટુ મેં કરોડો વર્ષ ખેલ ખેલ્યા હોય એ માટે તને થનારી તકલીફની કોઇ વિસાત જ નથી. માટે ગાંડપણ છોડ અને સખણો રહે! કાં મારી સાથે કાં તારી સાથે. વચમાં વિહાર કરવા માટે કોઇ જગ્યા નથી. કશ્મકશ - સાંકડાશ અનુભવીશ. કાં ફરી તારી દુનિયામાં ચાલ્યો જા - અવિરત દોડ. કાં મારી દુનિયામાં ઝંપલાવ - અવિરત શાંતતા. બેની વચ્ચે બાખડ્યા કરીશ તું તારી સાથે. શા માટે જલ્લાદ પણ શાંત હોય છે? મૃત્યુને નજીકથી જુએ છે - રોજ બરોજ. મૃત્યુની સત્યતા કદાચ તારા મનમાંથી નીકળી ગઇ છે. અવિરત દોડનો છેલ્લો મુકામ છે - સ્મશાન-કબ્રસ્તાન. Short term goal or long term benefits - the decision is really yours - dear!

બે ચાર વાર પણ જો આપણે ભેગા મળ્યા તો પછી એ અવિસ્મરણીય રહેશે. આવો સમય કે મને મળવાનો તને કંટાળો આવતો હોય એ નક્કી નહિ આવે એની ખાતરી. કારણ હજી જેણે મૃગજળ ચાખ્યુ નથી એને એના સ્વાદની શી ખબર? કૃપા તો ત્યારે થાય જ્યારે કૃપા વરસાવવા કોઇ ઉભુ હોય ને તે સ્વીકારવા માટે કોઇ તત્પર હોય. સ્વીકારનારને જો હાથ જોડીને ઉભા રહેવામાં આળસ હોય તો કૃપાળુ પણ કેવી રીતે વરસે? દખલ દઇને તું બાજી ના જીતીશ - છોડી દે એ હઠને - સર્વોપરી મહાન બનવાની. તુચ્છતાની લાગણી સાથે સર્વ કંઇનો ત્યાગ - મન સાવ કોરું. પૂર્ણ ખાલીપો ને ફૂલ ખીલશે વગર મહેનતે. આ જ મહેનત કરવી રહી. અથાગ પરિશ્રમ એટલે કરવો પડે છે કે અનેક જન્મોના થપેડા લાગેલા કાઢતા સમય લાગે છે. કરવાનું છે માત્ર 'કંઇ નહિ' - પણ કંઇ નહિ કર્યા વિના ન રહી શકતા માનવી માટે એ જ સૌથી કપરું કામ છે!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Ascension - Global Shift

Great awakening initiates great shifts within the mind. This shift when occurs in great number of mind-body systems, it causes a global shift known as Ascension. The software is being upgraded so the hardware also needs to be replaced or rather upgraded. For this sometimes the only solution is to discard obsolete structures that can not hold the new vibrations - and so I have to resort to large scale upheavals in all structures - nature to personal level - inside out - from outside to inside. The period can be termed as that of agitation for those who are trying to hold on to that which is not allowed to be kept any more - for the energies of the combined mankind is pushing in one direction - the projection out there. Your old beliefs-ideas being incompatible with it - they are pulled out on 'surface' and create agitation - only thing you can do is 'let go' and swim in the sea of changes to come up in this solar system in all.

Yes not only Earth but this solar system goes for an upgrade - long pending shift. When my eyes reveal the blueprint of new energetic structures of evolutionary forces - literally wiping off the duality mindset out again - final ascension occurs when majority of mankind embraces this new dream - welcoming the changes and I announce the arrival of golden period - heaven on 3rd dimension - once the chaos subdue - division is over - all that remains is unison - oneness of human race - oneness with creator - oneness with creation. I AM.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lower Ego and Higher Self

'Logos' is the genesis of knowledge - the beginning 'Word' - containing all spoken and written words. As it expands to new frontiers - new knowledge is achieved yet the simplest truth remains the same. Once Logos is achieved everything is realized - in a nutshell. Thinking is like that. The further you go down from the center - expanding - creating complex thoughts - yet to the core the concept is very simple and actually no need of such artificial details to be expressed - yet we express.

Terry cotton is a product made of natural cotton - to get new variety of cloth. Yet the core is the same - in pure form or in new avatar.

Similarly higher self is Logos - pure cotton - yet expressed in different flavors just for the sake of expression. Deep down - at the core - of this lower ego - the One exists - a simple profound concept. As I told you before its just an identity crisis.

You need to be aware of this simple powerful truth in all the 'moments' that you live. You can easily make the difference between logos and a rotten knowledge piece - its very clear in the power of the content. The clarity of concepts - similarly you can easily differentiate between cotton and terry-cotton by mere touch - or just by looking at it.

So now that you are accustomed to functioning of this mind-body system in both modes like Windows 98 and Win XP OS, its your choice to align with the highest - most advanced version. Yes, and the reality is that the most advanced products in your world are most primitive in our eyes - keeping the difference between 'you' and 'me' only for clarity.

Time pass is the idea of the ego for it has no purpose or interest in your evolution. Time pass in other words is either being lazy or being destructive to your own body and mind without even giving 'you' a hint that you are permitting yourself to die faster. The polarity as you know is needed for us to make progress by consciously choosing which way to go and how fast, with whom and why.

Right or wrong is not the way. Either there is truth or there is absence of truth - which we call illusion - ignorance etc. Why we call is that even in that second case, the truth is there - its only that you have empowered yourself to keep your focus away from it by creating an illusionary world for 'time-pass' or rather entropy.

'You've got the whole world in your mind' is literally the truth. What you do with your creative powers is your choice and based on your choices the reality out there changes bringing you joy-sorrow, profit-loss etc. An endless cycle of creation-destruction keeping your more and more into it till you completely forget your role in creating these circumstances - or rather creating your own reality.

Conscious evolution is 'my' only purpose. I can not push 'you' to evolve, I can only guide and motivate 'you' to move towards what is 'my' destination.

Simply speaking now onwards, since we are kind of married now, we need to create situations where we move to feeling 'oneness' and slowly reducing this 'separateness'. This will happen once we further reduce the gap between us which relies on your conscious choices made in every passing moment. 'I' create the situation and 'you' respond. Next we both create the situation and we 'live' it - consciously - fully conscious.

In past few days you must have seen how easily you get carried away in the world 'out there' which is actually 'inside you'. Yet you act as if there is a distinct difference between you and the outer world. This prompts you to believe as if the outside world can not affect you and vice versa. How silly? When you yourself are the creator - the moment you declare separation - you are declaring yourself helpless and being dictated by the environment out there.

Time, space, environment, situations, concepts, people, places everything and more is your own creation for your 'expression' 'conscious evolution' and 'play'. Nothing else.

Preoccupation with anything forces you to behave in a predetermined manner - free yourself from all that and let the moment explode in nothingness. Then we play with highest skill to make the most out of that fleeting moment - by moment.

Notice your thoughts, your speech, your choice of words, your concepts (beliefs), your judgments of all 'out there', your ingenuity, your preoccupation with something constantly, the clutter in your mind, constantly running songs, uncontrolled emotions, uncontrolled senseless desires, your ideas of achieving something to fill the gap, your choice of food-clothes-situations-entertainment, your laziness and lack of energy-passion, your rotten memory, your reactions to triggers, your repetitive patterns, your small aspirations, your need to push truth away, your need to continue ignorance deliberately, your suspended beliefs in reality, you forget 'me' or rather try to push 'me' away and declare your 'independent existence' not in touch with all-that-is.

You have to have just a little awareness to feel-see-judge (in the right sense) the 'shift' within you. The more you let this awareness witness it - just witness it - you will transform very rapidly - allowing my energies to fill your being - from top to bottom - in all sense - then the true ultimate goal of yourself being in oneness with creator - enlightenment - will be achieved in no-time.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

એક ક્ષણ

હસતા નાચતા ગાતા વિતાવીએ જીવનની આ ક્ષણ
એક એક ક્ષણને જોડી બનાવીએ જીવન માત્ર એક ક્ષણ

જોજનો દૂર છે જાવું ચાલ ઉઠાવીએ એક ડગલું આ ક્ષણ
એક એક ડગલું જોડી પહોંચતા લાગશે માત્ર એક ક્ષણ

ના જો આગળ ના જો પાછળ જોઇ લે મન ભરીને આ ક્ષણ
પલક ઝપકતા વીતી જાશે જીવી લે માત્ર એક ક્ષણ

બદલાય મોસમ બદલાય રસ્તા ના બદલાય કદી આ ક્ષણ
ઘૂઘવાતા આ મહાસાગરમાં તરવા નૌકા છે માત્ર એક ક્ષણ

ક્યારેક મીઠી ક્યારેક તીખી ક્યારેક ખાટી લાગતી આ ક્ષણ
અવિરત અવિનાશી તોયે લાગતી નોખી હર એક ક્ષણ

ક્ષણનો મહિમા ક્ષણની ગરિમા ક્ષણના આ સર્વ લક્ષણ
જાણશે જે સમજશે એ ક્ષણમાં બુદ્ધના હર એક લક્ષણ!

Thursday, February 14, 2008


હીરો બનવું હોય તો પૃથ્વીના પેટાળમાં ભયંકર દબાણ સહન કરી વિકાસ પામવો પડે એમ આત્મ પ્રાપ્તિ માટે મનુષ્ય દેહ પામી સ્વને ઓળખવો પડે. એમાં કષ્ટ છે, પણ no gain without pain.

આત્મા આમ એક સાધન છે નિરાકારનું - આકાર લઇ અવતરવા માટે -શ્રેષ્ઠ છે એ પરમાત્માની જેમ જ પણ - એક છૂટો અંશ - જે હજારો વર્ષોની યાત્રા કરી - સ્વબળે સ્વને ઓળખી - પોતાના ચૈતન્ય સ્વરૂપને ઓળખી યાત્રા પૂરી કરે છે.

ત્યારબાદ એ પોતાની દુનિયાનો ખરા અર્થમાં સ્વામી બને છે. પરમાત્મા જેવા ગુણોથી ભરપૂર એ શુદ્ધ આત્મા ઉચ્ચતમ જગતમાં પોતાનો ડંકો વગાડે છે અને સાથે સાથે નિમ્ન સ્તરમાં રહેલા જગતમાં પોતાના જ અવતારોના ઉત્થાનમાં મદદરૂપ થાય છે.

આત્માનો જન્મ એટલે જાણે અબુધ બાળકનો જન્મ. શક્તિઓથી ભરપૂર પણ વિકાસ નથી થયો. ચેતના હજુ સુષુપ્ત અવસ્થામાં છે. વિશાળ શક્તિઓ હજી પોટલામાં બંધ છે. જેમ જેમ એ અભિવ્યક્ત કરતો જાય - સ્વેચ્છાએ સ્વબળે સ્વનો વિકાસ સાધે - અને ધીરે ધીરે બધા પરિબળોને કાબૂમાં લઇ એના સર્જનકર્તા પરમાત્મા જેવો થતો જાય- આખરે બુદ્ધત્વ પામતા પોતાના સ્વરૂપને ઓળખી - બ્રહ્મમાં લીન થઇ શકે છે. પરમાત્મા - આત્મા - શરીર એક એકમ તરીકે કામ કરે છે - અને એ જન્મ આપે છે દૈવી અભિવ્યક્તિને - શાંતતાને ખોળો મળે છે પોતાને અભિવ્યક્ત કરવાનો - સૃજનકર્તા પોતાના સર્જનને માણી શકે છે - એ જ ખરો ધ્યેય છે... રમત, અભિવ્યક્તિ, વિકાસ... સર્જન.. મૃત્યુ... પણ વિકાસ અવિરત ચાલુ રહે છે... દરેકે દરેક ભાગનો.. એમ કરતા એકંદરે એ 'એક' ચેતનાનો.. જેણે પોતાને અસંખ્ય ભાગોમાં વિભાજિત કરી છે... જેથી અભિવ્યક્તિ, વાર્તાલાપ, સર્જન શક્ય બને.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

‘રીડગુજરાતી વાર્તા-સ્પર્ધા 2006’ માં તૃતિય સ્થાન મેળવનાર ટૂંકી વાર્તા મનનના સવાલો વાંચવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

YSR Feb issue

I am happy to announce release of February 2008 issue of Your Spiritual Revolution emagazine.

The cover story for this issue is Intuition!

Chance to win spiritual products and services! Check out YSR Feb issue!

In this issue of YSR:

- Tune Into Integral Intuition by Prabhath P
- Awakening Intuition by Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D.
- A New Problem - A New Solution by Nancy Marie
- The Essence of Intuition by Ellen Davis
- Natural Gift Of Intuition by Joan Charles
- Intuition Is Real by Joyce A. Kovelman, Ph.D., Ph.D.
- Clairparlance by Matthew C. Bronson, Ph.D.
- Intuition by Winter Robinson
- I Have Been Sentient My Entire Life by Bobbie Merrill, MSW
- 10 Miles To Overview by Alex N. Moyer
- Ignite Your Voice by Melissa Simonson

And two beautiful spiritual poems by Wanda Phipps and Jodie Wolfe.

To read YSR emag, visit



Monday, February 11, 2008

મૌન બોલે છે!

આત્મા અને પરમાત્મા વચ્ચે ફરક શું છે?

ચિનગારી અને આગ. બેઉ એક જ છે કે અલગ? પરમાત્મા એટલે પરમ આત્મા. આત્મા પણ પરમ જ છે કારણ પરમમાંથી ઉત્પન્ન થતું સર્વ પરમ જ હોવાનું. પ્રકાશથી પ્રકાશ જન્મે તો ફરક શું? હું અપ્રગટમાંથી પ્રગટ થાઉં તો પૂરો કેવી રીતે પ્રગટ થાઉં? અપ્રગટ તો શક્યતાઓની ભરમાર છે... તો એ ક્ષણે અપ્રગટમાંથી જે 'એક' પ્રગટ થશે તે અમુક-તમુક ગુણો લઇને પ્રકાશપુંજ તરીકે બહાર આવશે.

સુહાના સફર ઔર યે મૌસમ હઁસી! હું એકાંતમાં..પ્રેમથી છલોછલ.. રચના તો મારે કરવી જ રહી.. તો કરી..
ખેતર, પંખી, કલરવ.... તે કવિતા લખી. હકીકતમાં એ શક્યતા તરીકે પ્રગટી. આપણે એને ઉપજાવી કાઢી.. પ્રકાશપુંજથી પંખી! આજ તો કરામત છે.. મુજમાંથી મુજને જન્માવી 'મુજ વીતી તુજ વીતશે' એવું કહી શક્યો.. (હાસ્ય).. તમાશો...ખેલ... સૃષ્ટિ... અખંડ આનંદ... ભયંકર દુ:ખ... એકાંત... સાથ... એક.. અનેક.. વિવિધતા.. સુંદરતા.. સરખી પણ નોખી.. માતા..પિતા.. પુત્ર..હું.. તું.. આપણે ખોવાતા ખોવાતા રમતા ગયા..રમતા ગયા.. કોણ આત્મા.. કોણ પરમાત્મા..કોણ ઇશ્વર..બધુ વીસરી ગયા!

તો હવે પાછું જાવું છે? તો હું આ રહ્યો.. હું તો અહીં જ હતો.. તારી સાથે ને સાથે.. અનંત કાળથી!

દાસ - દુર્જન - દુ:ખી જન - દીન - અમીર - જવાન - પ્રૌઢ - હું - તું - કલ્પના - કાળ - અત્ર તત્ર સર્વત્ર - હું જ છું!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Your Spiritual Revolution e-magazine Launched!


I am very happy to announce launching of the first issue of YSR e-magazine as well as YSR website.
Please visit Subscription is free!

You will be able to download and read the Your Spiritual Revolution e-magazine as well as participate in contests and win prizes and lucky gifts of spiritual products and services.

The goal of YSR is to create a global network of millions of active spiritual seekers working vigorously towards their individual spiritual development and thereby assisting in global evolution of human being - to evolve from human to superhuman.

Join now and be a part of this global team!

Click to register on this site.

Amitt Parikh
Executive Editor
Your Spiritual Revolution e-magazine

Spiritual Science & Research Foundation

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Fusion of Science & Spiritualism

Fusion of Science & Spiritualism

As you all know, human civilization is at a very crucial stage. From here we can look forward to a golden future or a total disaster. It all depends upon our wisdom, our goals, our focus, ideas we work upon and how we collaborate to save human being from becoming an endangered species on Earth! Looking at current trends, we are approaching towards environmental and economical disaster in very near future. Hence, there is an emergent need to fuse spiritualism with science and technology. Science and technology without knowledge of spiritualism is like giving nuclear bombs to children to play! It can only lead to extinction.

The science aims for physical comfort, well being and satisfaction of our five senses. Spiritualism aims for achieving blissful state of mind and realizing the truth to know our real Self. Science with technology has made tremendous progress in achieving its aim of physical comfor but with adverse side effects of stressful mind looking desperately for permanent peace and happiness. Those who went deep solely into spiritual development have achieved a lot in terms of spiritual knowledge and inner peace but without any significant progress on physical level.

One who pursues materialism alone
goes into great darkness,
One who pursues spirituality alone
goes into even greater darkness.
Yet one who pursues materialism
and spirituality side by side
(Like the two wings of a bird)
is happy in this world and the next.

I believe the best path is always the middle path. The universe is made up of two polarities. And balance is the fundamental and eternal universal law. Balance between the two opposite yet complementary polarities is the middle path that Enlightened beings have shown us. Only giving importance to science or spiritualism will not be beneficial to human civilization on longer run. The middle path of fusion of spiritualism with science will help humanity achieve holistic growth with improvement in their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being.

As per my viewpoint following three are the most important tasks to get success in fusion of spiritualism with science.

1. Spiritual Science Education

There is emergent need of adding spiritual truths in current education system and creating higher level research oriented studies in spiritual science. For example, telling our students that the physical object is made up of 'atoms' is half-truth. They need to know about quanta right from school level, they need to know about relationship of 'energy & consciousness' so as to make sure they do not spend rest of their life with wrong beliefs about 'observable reality'. Biology subject without any mention of aura, chakra system etc. is dangerous as one does not get the whole picture of real anatomy of body. Without even a definition of 'consciousness', most graduates are not equipped with the basic spiritual knowledge for overall progress in life.

'Who am I? What is Life? What is death? Is there life after death? Who created this universe? Why? What is multidimensional universe? What is ascension? Am I a puppet in hands of destiny or do I have the freedom to create my future? - These and many more questions should be part of our education system with emphasis on 'finding one's own truth'. With basic spiritual knowledge as a catalyst, we can see rapid and sustainable progress in all walks of life which will be beneficial to all instead of current system of 'exploitation of others for benefit of one'.

Specialized courses focused on spiritual science and research will help us reach next stage in our evolution. Think about bright students working on spiritual science and research projects and bringing out new inventions, methods and truths for speedy progress on this path. Study on consciousness will help us understand basic requirements for progress on spiritual path. With specific study on astral travel and out of body experiences, proven methods can be developed to teach students easy and efficient astral travels and its uses. Astral travelers, remote viewers and psychics can unlock secrets of deep space objects, history of Earth, history of human civilization and so on, which coupled with scientific studies can be validated and human knowledge base increased manifold.

2. Practical useful tools for common people

We must prove existence of the 'other world' to people in general. The experiences in spiritual realm are of 'subjective' nature and hence majority of people do not believe in what others 'felt' or 'saw''. This has made them to ignore the spiritual aspect from life and concentrate fully on material progress.

This can be reversed once we prove the spiritual plane of existence with science and technology. For example, an Aura reading device which can clearly demonstrate the existence of bio-electric field around body; can predict diseases; can demonstrate harmful effects of anger, violence & depression on human physiology; can demonstrate level of spiritual progress of people; can show 'real' nature of people will bring a revolution in people's lives. It will take them to the path of spiritualism as that will be the most logical choice then. We have Kirlian cameras, but we need practical tools for common people which are much advanced and much cheaper so that people can use it just like mobile phones.

If common people get interested into the 'other side of world', the need for spiritual inventions, products, services will increase and will 'lure' more companies and individuals to get involved directly or indirectly in fusion of science and spiritualism more rapidly. Markets are driven by demand and so practical 'useful' tools targeted at 'improving or maintaining health' of common people can become a catalyst for fusion of science and spiritualism. Common people may not be interested in spiritualism directly, but an indirect invitation can work more effectively. Once they look at the analysis of their physical and emotional health linked to their thoughts, interest in spiritualism will automatically come up.

There is need of fusion of western logical material oriented minds with eastern philosophical spiritual oriented minds to create practical solutions/methods/processes useful for overall (spiritual as well as material) progress of entire human kingdom.

3. Scientists and Spiritual Masters on common platform

With progress in quantum physics, even the mainstream science is moving away from the Newtonian viewpoint to the world of 'energy and consciousness'. This is the right time for scientists and spiritual masters to join hands for fusion by helping each other. For example, a spiritual master with his practical experience of aura can help scientists identify what it is made up of and using latest technologies, what will be the best method of viewing and analyzing it. Similarly scientists can take help of spiritual masters to get answers or solutions for problems that they are facing in making new inventions in this realm.

An experienced master with complete knowledge of human chakra system, kundalini, aura etc. can help scientists in development of sophisticated software for analysis and diagnosis of human health by analyzing their aura and help in prediction and thereby prevention of diseases which have not yet manifested in physical body. This research has become a reality now. Similar experiments in other so called 'mysterious' realms of spiritualism can also give practical results if pursued well. As done for physical status, same technology can be used to check spiritual status of individuals. Blocks can be found and analyzed and practical effective suggestions can be given to aspirants to unblock the energies and gain momentum in their spiritual development instead of spending years trying to figure out why he/she is unable to progress on spiritual front.Currently many are making efforts by coming out with biofeedback devices, binaural sounds, guided meditations, geometric designs, pyramids etc. to aid in spiritual/mental/physical well being of humans. With experts from both fields coming together, these devices can rapidly evolve similar to the fast evolutions related to communication technology like internet and mobiles.

Expected changes on Earth in near future

With historical predictions and current visible patterns, it is no doubt that we have entered into an era of great changes ahead. Humanity is poised to take a giant step in evolution of consciousness to next level. Some see recent events as signs of ascension of Earth, some say we are entering into golden future with long lasting peace and love on Earth. One wonders with weapons of mass destruction capable of wiping out Earth several times, what force is resisting annihilation of this beautiful planet. As predicted, some believe shifting of axis of Earth has started. With effects of global warming some believe Earth will cleanse its energies to align itself into the new dream. Conventional energy sources are drying up, economies have become terribly speculative, violence and hatred is present on almost every corner of Earth today. Gap between rich and poor is increasing. All forms of governance is proving ineffective in assisting real sustainable development of its citizens, be it democracy or communism or dictatorship. Medical science is fighting unsuccessfully with more and more unheard of diseases.

This is the time when combined powers of spiritual and scientific knowledge are needed to humanity to come out successfully from the mammoth tasks ahead. Can intelligent logical minded people take us out of clear and present danger? Can spiritual minded people give practical solutions to today's problems? Or can both come on a common platform, share their ideas and come out with practical solutions for holistic progress of entire mankind?

It is the time we remind our selves, that we have the power to create our reality. Let us do the best we can to create heaven on Earth for our children and future generations to come.

Amitt Parikh
Spiritual Science & Research Foundation

Friday, March 24, 2006

Review of a Great Movie – Dont’ miss it!

Review of a Great Movie – Dont’ miss it! ***** Star Rating

Hi! I am compelled to write a review of a movie I can’t stop watching. It’s a great movie with such a huge star cast, such a huge and beautiful stage and such a great story that I have to give it 5 stars.

As you know, the heart of a movie is its story. The story of this movie is so complex yet so simple, full of emotions, full of action, full of mystery, full of love, full of violence, full of science fiction, full of... well there is nothing that is not there in this movie.

The director seems to be very creative, very original and very intelligent. I can’t believe how he can interweave such diverse subjects, such a huge star cast and such a huge set so nicely. All actors have acted so well, it seems they enter completely into the heart of the character they are playing. The set design is so wonderful, sometimes it is difficult whether to watch the drama or just get lost into the beautiful sets...

The director himself is the producer and has invested a huge amount out of his own pocket in financing the film. No one can believe it’s a one man show, but it is! The director is also the producer, the story writer, the set designer, the lyricist, the sound designer, the editor... well almost everything except acting!

The movie is so mesmerizing I can’t stop watching it... hey... I think I saw you in the movie! You have a pretty big role in it! How can you act so well... when you know deep down you are not that character? I mean, look at you. Deep within you are so beautiful... so powerful... so intelligent... yet you are acting so well in the role of a powerless, less intelligent and ‘lost’ character who doesn’t even know who he is! It’s really great.

But, it seems you are sucked into it. You have been acting since.. I can’t even remember your entry. What? You are thinking about the movie name? Oh! I thought you know the movie name as you are acting in it! It’s called... well it’s all around you... don’t pretend, I know you know it.

Hey, come out of the movie... I know acting is fun... but believe me sitting in audience and watching the movie is much more fun...!

I have just asked the director to cut my role and let me enjoy it sitting in audience! He just showed me a trick. Guess what? I can do both at a time. Act as well as observe it simultaneously. All you have to do is... well you know it in your heart!

It’s real fun. Come on board, buddy!

Amitt Parikh
Spiritual Science & Research Foundation

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Treasure Hunt

I started a long voyage
In search of the hidden treasure...

With great courage and faith
I traveled across the oceans
But in vain...

With all my strength and patience
I roamed all over the lands
But in vain...

With all my intelligence and knowledge
I flew across the skies
But in vain...

With great despair and sorrow
I returned back to myself

The treasure was always there
Deep within me
Waiting to be found!

Thinking about thoughts...

Some interesting exercises & questions for your brain:

  • Is the mind in the brain? Or is the brain in the mind? And who is using them?
  • Are YOU thinking the thoughts or your brain is firing them?
  • If you think that you are thinking your thoughts then you should be able to STOP them at your will for any period of time. Can you do it?
  • Can you think who is thinking that the thoughts that you think you are thinking are really not your thoughts?
  • Count how many thoughts you think in a minute.
  • How many thoughts can you think at a moment simultaneously?
  • Can you think what your next thought is going to be?
  • How much time do you stay without thoughts between two thoughts? Can you find the time of this ‘gap’? Can you increase this ‘gap’?
  • When I am thinking about past, I am in the past. When I am thinking about future, I am in the future. When I am thinking nothing, I am in the eternal present!
  • I can observe the thinker within me who is thinking all the time. But then how do I observe the observer who is observing the thinker?
  • Who came first, the brain that produced the first thought or the thought that produced the first thinking brain?
  • Can you think about something that you have never thought before?
  • Can you read following words without firing any thought / picture / memory in your brain? SPIDER MAN WEB FIRE WATER GOD
  • If we were to type out each and every thought that we think in our lifetime in a text file, what will be the approximate size of that file and what will be the total word count?
  • If all your ‘mental movies with internal dialogues’ happening within your mind for your entire life are to be recorded in a computer, what will be the required hard disk memory size?
  • When you think about something, who decides what you are thinking is good or bad?
  • Sometimes I think I should do this and immediately I feel I should not do this. Am I alone or someone else is also thinking with me?

Is God really everywhere?

How many times have we heard ‘God is everywhere’ in our life? And how many times have we actually thought deeply about this simple eternal truth? God is everywhere – everywhere means not somewhere particularly - everywhere. If we really ‘understood’ this simple statement, it has the potential to change our life entirely. This simple truth has been spoken by almost all great masters who walked on this planet and is mentioned in all the religions on Earth.

If God created this universe out of ‘nothing’, then ‘everything’ that exists now must exist within God only! Whether it is air, pebbles, water, trees, birds, animals or humans. Hence we can refer to God as All That Is or as Life or simply as Isness.

God is in the entire physical as well as all other ‘non-material’ universes! God is in the holy place, outside the holy place, in the bedroom, in the bathroom, in the dust bin and in all our thoughts, including all bad thoughts. If we insist that God is only in ‘good’ things and ‘good’ places then we will be contradicting the very foundation of all religions and beliefs. Who ‘created’ and who is ‘controlling’ those ‘bad’ things, ‘bad’ thoughts, and ‘bad’ people? If nothing can happen without God’s will, how can so many ‘bad’ things happen without God’s will?

Let us meditate further on this statement. God is everywhere – means whether it is India, USA, China, Japan or Iraq or even a planet outside our solar system, there can be only ONE GOD in all these places. Whether it is a temple, a church, a mosque or any other holy place – the SAME GOD is present at all these places! If you say your God is different than my God – are you saying that the universe is running so smoothly by a ‘team of Gods’? And if at all we have so many Gods out ‘there’, why there is no ‘chaos’ in the universe? Which God runs which jurisdiction? Whether inside a statue or outside; whether inside a holy place or outside; whether inside you or outside, that same God exists everywhere!

If we say God is ‘here’ then what is ‘there’? Who is running ‘that’ part of the universe? If God is only in holy place, who is controlling the life outside the holy place? In human history of millions of years, can there be any place on Earth which has not seen wars, killings, rapes, hatred or other ‘bad’ things? How can we say a particular place to be eternally holy and a particular place to be unholy if All That Is is God? A stone that was first ‘tortured’ with chiesel and hammer to get a particular form, is worshipped after the stone is carved into a particular shape! But then what was there in it before that form was carved?

We are only fooling ourselves in seeing God ‘somewhere’ in some ‘form’ or ‘name’ and then fighting and killing each other over those various forms or names of SAME ENERGY. When will we really understand the meaning of this simple statement – ‘God is everywhere’? When will we follow our true religion?

What will happen when we start seeing God everywhere – in all humans, including our enemies and people of ‘other religion’ and all those whom we hate; in all animals (not only holy animals), in all plants (not only few plants), in all our thoughts (not only in good thoughts) and in all our actions (not only in good actions)? Can we start seeing God everywhere – (now)here?